Credit card issuers want you to become their customers and thus run many promotional offers. Usually these are called signup offers, in which credit card issuers give you a good size of bonus in cash, points, or miles, when you sign up a new credit card and spend a certain amount within a certain period of time. If you are looking for thousands of dollars or millions of miles/points that will make your dream trip come true, make sure you check out our Deals page which is constantly updated.
Our blog also has constant updates on promotional offers and other credit card related news and analysis.
You earn rewards points when you make a purchase with a credit card. The rewards points may be exchanged for cash, gift cards, merchandise, travel rewards (fixed or dynamic value), hotel frequent guest points, or airline frequent flyer miles, etc.
Check out Dr. Credit Card's Top List for best rewards credit cards, including our featured review Best Rewards Credit Card Combos. Another featured review SPG vs. MR vs. UR vs. TY vs. CR will walk you through the five rewards programs that allow points transfer to frequent travel accounts.
May credit cards offer great travel perks - there is always a reason why people pay an annual fee on a credit card. Some provide 24/7 concierge service. Some provide complimentary access to airport VIP lounges and our featured review All About Airport Lounges will answer most of your questions if you are confused. Some provide free or cheap companion airplane tickets. Some provide hotel privileges such as complimentary daily breakfasts, room/suite upgrades, late check-out, third or fourth night free, and amenities such as a per stay $100 food and beverage credit. Some provide anniversary free hotel nights that you can use at any of their affiliate hotels worldwide.
Our two featured reviews Comparing High-end Credit Card and Credit Cards worth Paying Annual Fees without Spending will give you a good idea why you may want to pay an annual fee (sometime a hefty one!) on a card.
Nowadays most credit cards provide benefits or protection at no cost to you, such as waived foreign transaction fees, travel accident insurance, trip cancellation and interruption insurance, trip delay coverage, lost baggage coverage, baggage delay coverage, emergency coverage, rental car collision damage coverage (see our featured review Credit Card with Primary Rental Car Insurance for details), roadside assistance, price protection, extended warranty, purchase protection, return protection, event ticket protection, and so on. The lists of free benefits seem getting longer and longer each year.
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